Critics Interview David:
Ken Spaulding's "Still Here"
Stephanie Williams on David
Thomas Lynch on David
Billy Tweedie on David on David
Mark Seydel on David
Linda La Blanche on David, 2002/2008
Chris Lee on David
UC Berkeley on David
Amapola on David
Gina Poggi, Potrero View, on David
Ms Bob on David for LadyLike Magazine

Links to critic reviews and publicity:
Newspaper Clippings
David's Résumé
Las Vegas Stage Debut, Bono Show, 2004
Las Vegas Concert, Summerlin, 2010
Las Vegas Concert, Winchester, 2007
Las Vegas Concert, Whitney, 2008, 2009
Onyx Theater Interview & Finocchio Memoirs Shows, 2011
Bitácora Cubana Article (In Spanish)
Stonewall Society Wing
Author, James R. Smith on David